Itens :
* Romantic Tray/ Bandeja Romântica
* Balloon / Balão Te Amo
* Teddy Bear / Ursinho de Pelúcia
* Chocolate Homemade
* Brazilian Cheese Bread /Pão de queijo
* Waffle
* Cheese Stick /Stick de Queijo
* Cheese / Queijo
* Ham / Presunto
* Salami
* Mini Carrot Cake / Bolinho de cenoura com chocolate
* Hot Coffee / Café quente
* Yogurt
* Orange Juice / Suco de Laranja
* Hot Cocoa Sachet / Sachet de Hot Cocoa
* Coffee Sachet / Sachet de Café
* Sweeter Sachet Sachet /Sachet de Adoçante
* Half half
* Natural Flowers / Flores Naturais
* Card / Cartão
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